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Brief Facts and Circumstances of Matt’s Case That You Won’t Read on Jew-Run Wikipedia or in the Jew’sMedia

“Why Do I Want To Be Free” by Matthew F. Hale


Letter From Matt’s Mother To the Judge Who Presided over His Criminal Case Pleading for Matt’s Early Release – August 10, 2022

Matt’s Motion to Strike, in Part, The Defendants’ Reply to Plaintiff’s Opposition to Defendants’ Motion to Dismiss – June 22, 2022

The Defendants’ Reply to Matt’s Memorandum in Opposition to the Dismissal of His Case – May 27, 2022

Matt’s Memorandum In Opposition to Dismissal of His Case – April 1, 2022

Supporter Greg Morris’ Granting of Intervention in The Civil Rights Case – March 29, 2022

Older Posts

Help Matt Have His First Amendment Rights Upheld By Opposing The Illegal Campaign To Prevent The Release of Chapters of Matt’s Third Book

Brief Overview of The Illegal Acts Meant To Silence Matt’s Voice

Letters To Send To Alert The Authorities To The Violation Of Matt’s First Amendment Rights:

Letter To the United States Supreme Court

Letter To The Office of the Inspector General

Letter To The Director of the Bureau of Prisons Kathleen Hawk Sawyer

Letter To The Office Of Professional Responsibility

Letter To The Federal Bureau Of Prisons’ Office of Internal Affairs

Subscribe To The “Free Matt Hale!” Newsletter

To subscribe to our newsletter and receive all of Matt’s messages, press releases, and legal updates, just send an email to:

Please check your SPAM folder after subscribing, as oftentimes, our emails are being directed to subscribers’ SPAM folders.

Unfortunately, some major email providers are rejecting all of our outgoing emails from our new server due to their being in violation of the terms of their end user agreements prohibiting “hate speech.”   Our only option to stay in touch now is for each and every supporter to obtain a email account on our dedicated server, cutting out the Jewish censors from our lines of communication or for us to use friendly email providers that believe in free speech like Gmail (for now).

There is a bit of a learning curve to using our webmail service, but it works like any other and is intuitive.   Please keep in mind that I am the administrator of any emails and, hence, can access any account at any time.    Therefore, although I am a trustworthy person, limit your use of your account to keeping in touch with us and for other non-sensitive, non-personal finances-related business.

Each account comes with instructions on how you can sync your account with an email management client like Outlook.

Current email providers rejecting our emails are Yahoo, all Microsoft emails (msn, hotmail, live, outlook) and any legacy services taken over by Yahoo (southernbell, etc.) or Microsoft.

Thank you for your support and interest in Matt’s extraordinary, unprecedented case.

UPDATED:  May 20, 2022

UPDATED! Write Letters To Help In The Effort To Get Matt Freed

UPDATED March 23, 2022

Below is a new letter to send to President Trump, the Pardon Attorney Rosalind Sargent-Burns and the Attorney General William Barr.  You may use the below form letters or write your own letter, as you prefer.   Write “For President Trump Only” and “Petition Clemecy” on the envelope to the President.  Matt has been in mostly maximum security solitary confinement prison for over 16 years for crimes that he did not commit and was unconstitutionally not allowed a defense against the government’s case.  If you have not sent in letters before, now is the time to do so, as Matt is enduring a situation far worse than Trumps wrongly accused colleague Rodger Stone.

Form Letter for President Biden

Form Letter for President Biden written by a supporter

Form Letter for Attorney General Merrick Garland

Form Letter for Pardon Attorney Rosalind Sargent-Burns

Help Fund Matt’s Fight For Freedom And Help Him Eat Better To Stay Strong In The Fight!

Friends and Supporters: Send Matt’s brother Mark a $37.00 donation and I will send you a copy of Matt’s three books written in solitary confinement Ending White Slavery, The Racial Loyalist Manifesto and Antitheism:  A Polemic.

Also, I still have many of Ben Klassen’s original, new books.  For a $35.00 donation sent to Mark, I will send you three of your choice.   

Currently Available Titles:

Against the Evil Tide

Building a Whiter Brighter World

Expanding Creativity
Nature’s Eternal Religion

On the Brink of a Racial Bloody War


Revolution of Values Through Religion

Salubrious Living

The Klassen Letters, Vol 1

The White Man’s Bible
Trials, Tribulations and Triumphs

Send your donation to Mark at this address:

Mark Hale
5128 N. Karen Ct
Peoria, IL 61615

Please specify your selections and make sure you have your address and your email address enclosed with your donation. Only cash, check or money order are accepted payment forms.

Alternatively, funds may be deposited directly into Matt’s account by following the instructions HERE and using inmate register number “15177424HALE.”
Thank you for your support for Matt!


Branden Hall

Write To Matt


Matthew F. Hale #15177-424
PO BOX 1000
MARION, IL 62959

Mail Guidelines.   Please read before mailing Matt to ensure delivery:

  • Letters to Matt must have a return address on them or they will not be delivered to Matt.
  • White envelopes only
  • stamped or hand-written  addresses only “to and from” (i.e. no address stickers).
  • No sticky tape of any kind.
  • When sending Matt cards, color cards are OK but they must be in a white envelope.
  • No words in letters like Creativity, Creator, no racist rant or talk
  • No threat of any violence suggested or implied
  • Cannot contain anything about racial occurrences happening out here, rallies, etc..
  • Don’t address Matt with the title “Reverend.”   “Brother Hale” or just “Matt” seems to get through for now.

Matt’s Book, Music and Movie Selections Of the Month For March, 52 AC (2025 old year)

Book:  The Redneck Manifesto: How Hillbillies, Hicks, and White Trash Became America’s Scapegoats by Jim Goad

Music: Symphony No. 9 in E Minor (From The New World) by Antonin Dvorak (1841-1904)

Movie:  All the Kings Men (2006)(starring Sean Penn and Jude Law)

Music and Movies of the Month – May, 44 AC (2017 old year) to March, 52 AC (2025 old year)