To subscribe to our newsletter and receive all of Matt’s messages, press releases, and legal updates, just send an email to:

Please check your SPAM folder after subscribing, as oftentimes, our emails are being directed to subscribers’ SPAM folders.
Unfortunately, some major email providers are rejecting all of our outgoing emails from our new server due to their being in violation of the terms of their end user agreements prohibiting “hate speech.” Our only option to stay in touch now is for each and every supporter to obtain a email account on our dedicated server, cutting out the Jewish censors from our lines of communication or for us to use friendly email providers that believe in free speech like Gmail (for now).
There is a bit of a learning curve to using our webmail service, but it works like any other and is intuitive. Please keep in mind that I am the administrator of any emails and, hence, can access any account at any time. Therefore, although I am a trustworthy person, limit your use of your account to keeping in touch with us and for other non-sensitive, non-personal finances-related business.
Each account comes with instructions on how you can sync your account with an email management client like Outlook.
Current email providers rejecting our emails are Yahoo, all Microsoft emails (msn, hotmail, live, outlook) and any legacy services taken over by Yahoo (southernbell, etc.) or Microsoft.
Thank you for your support and interest in Matt’s extraordinary, unprecedented case.
UPDATED: May 20, 2022